What psychosis is really like – interview with Author Emma Goude

Filmmaker, Dean Puckett, interviewed Emma Goude, author of My Beautiful Psychosis as part of his research for a script he was writing. He wanted to know what it was like to experience psychosis for a character he was portraying. The result is this frank author interview.

What is it like to experience psychosis?

‘To me the state had more clarity about it. I felt like I could see more clearly.’

How do the psychotic episodes begin?

‘There is not really any warning.’

What does it feel like when you’re having a psychotic episode?

‘All the feelings that I’ve repressed come up to be felt.’

Give me an example of some weird behaviour that you do.

Expressing certain emotions makes other people feel uncomfortable.

What is your take on psychosis and what it is?

‘Psychosis as a return to wholeness.’

What about delusions, what are they like?

‘Sometimes I go into another realm, a bit like a dream state.’
author interview

What it is like being sectioned?

‘It was no different from any other hospital admission.’

Did they have force you to take medication?

‘Yeah they injected me.’

What was it like for your friends and family?

‘It really took its toll on my Mum.’

What do you think about the mental health system?

‘I think we’ve got a system of care based on an old model of science.’

What it is like afterward the episodes?

‘It feels really good to be let out of hospital?’

Do you have any idea how we could improve the mental health system?

‘I’ve got some pretty radical ideas.’

This author interview is also available to watch on YouTube as part of the Author Speaks Series.

My debut memoir My Beautiful Psychosis: Making Sense of Madness is published by Aeon Books and is now available as an audiobook on Audible, Amazon and iTunes.

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