5 Ways To Beat Insomnia Without Medication

Insomnia and five nights of zero sleep is what triggered my first episode – though psychiatric professionals saw it as a symptom of the psychosis. I disagree. Life stresses set off insomnia: worries; fears; betrayals; job losses; relationship problems; you name it. We’re hard wired to be able to quickly deal with threats through our fight or flight mechanism. And… Read more →

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what is psychosis

What I Think Psychosis Is And Why We Should Welcome It

I am a psychology graduate with extensive experience of psychosis. I’ve had 15 episodes over the course of 25 years. I write, therefore, as a someone with lived experience, who has been through the psychiatric system but also as someone with someone who has studied brain and behaviour and abnormal psychology at university. I have been hospitalised, sectioned, as well… Read more →

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My Beautiful Psychosis

How to Find a Title for Your Memoir

Play the game, below, to find a title for your memoir. I knew the title of my first memoir, My Beautiful Psychosis, before I started writing it. I didn’t even have to think of one because it just came to me and stuck. It contained the word ‘psychosis’ which is especially useful for improving SEO. It also surprises people with… Read more →

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The Secret to Being an Amazon Best Seller

What is the Secret to being an Amazon Best Seller – without spending ANY money or doing ANY extra promotional work? First you need a well written book that has a good title and an eye catching cover…obviously. Once you have that… …the SECRET is to put it in the RIGHT category. By ‘right’ I don’t mean the most appropriate… Read more →

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My First Vlog

The Benefits of Vlogging: Tango VLOG in Buenos Aires.

I’m super excited to share my FIRST EVER VLOG with you all! The benefits of Vlogging have already surprised me beyond expectation. Equipped with only a GoPro and an old mobile phone, it shows you don’t need to spend a fortune on kit to tell a good story. My First Vlog in Buenos Aires is an introduction—a little background on… Read more →

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spiritual emergence

Is Psychosis Really a Spiritual Emergence Process?

Stansilov and Christina Grof coined the term Spiritual Emergency: when a spiritual emergence becomes too intense and becomes an emergency. They founded the Spiritual Emergence Network and their books The Stormy Search for the Self and Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis certainly validated my own spiritual experiences that were diagnosed as ‘psychosis’ by the medical profession. But is… Read more →

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What A Psychic Predicted About My Writing

Eight years ago I went to see a psychic. Don’t judge me. I needed some reassurance at the time. This is what the psychic medium Dorothy Chitty said: I started writing when I was first discharged from hospital way back in 1996. But, like psychic Dorothy said, I put it aside. It sounded self pitying and nothing I could feel… Read more →

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Are Schizophrenia Outcomes Better in Developing Countries?

Award winning medical journalist and author of Anatomy of an Epidemic and Mad In America, Robert Whitaker, became curious when he read about two World Health Organisation studies that showed longer-term outcomes for schizophrenia patients in three “developing” countries were much better than six “developed” countries. Despite limited resources how was it that outcomes for schizophrenia in places like India… Read more →

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author interview

What psychosis is really like – interview with Author Emma Goude

Filmmaker, Dean Puckett, interviewed Emma Goude, author of My Beautiful Psychosis as part of his research for a script he was writing. He wanted to know what it was like to experience psychosis for a character he was portraying. The result is this frank author interview. What is it like to experience psychosis? How do the psychotic episodes begin? What… Read more →

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spiritual emergency

In Case Of Spiritual Emergency Book by Catherine G Lucas

Catherine G Lucas, co-founder of the Spiritual Crisis Network UK published her first book In Case Of Spiritual Emergency, which validates non ordinary states of consciousness. Transpersonal experiences are usually pathologised by the mental health system. Catherine’s book is an essential read for anyone who has been through a transformational crisis, especially if this has been seen as a psychosis… Read more →

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