Tag: recoveryispossible

what is psychosis

What I Think Psychosis Is And Why We Should Welcome It

I am a psychology graduate with extensive experience of psychosis. I’ve had 15 episodes over the course of 25 years. I write, therefore, as a someone with lived experience, who has been through the psychiatric system but also as someone with someone who has studied brain and behaviour and abnormal psychology at university. I have been hospitalised, sectioned, as well… Read more →

spiritual emergence

Is Psychosis Really a Spiritual Emergence Process?

Stansilov and Christina Grof coined the term Spiritual Emergency: when a spiritual emergence becomes too intense and becomes an emergency. They founded the Spiritual Emergence Network and their books The Stormy Search for the Self and Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis certainly validated my own spiritual experiences that were diagnosed as ‘psychosis’ by the medical profession. But is… Read more →

Are Schizophrenia Outcomes Better in Developing Countries?

Award winning medical journalist and author of Anatomy of an Epidemic and Mad In America, Robert Whitaker, became curious when he read about two World Health Organisation studies that showed longer-term outcomes for schizophrenia patients in three “developing” countries were much better than six “developed” countries. Despite limited resources how was it that outcomes for schizophrenia in places like India… Read more →

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