Tag: psychiatric

what is psychosis

What I Think Psychosis Is And Why We Should Welcome It

I am a psychology graduate with extensive experience of psychosis. I’ve had 15 episodes over the course of 25 years. I write, therefore, as a someone with lived experience, who has been through the psychiatric system but also as someone with someone who has studied brain and behaviour and abnormal psychology at university. I have been hospitalised, sectioned, as well… Read more →

spiritual emergence

Is Psychosis Really a Spiritual Emergence Process?

Stansilov and Christina Grof coined the term Spiritual Emergency: when a spiritual emergence becomes too intense and becomes an emergency. They founded the Spiritual Emergence Network and their books The Stormy Search for the Self and Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis certainly validated my own spiritual experiences that were diagnosed as ‘psychosis’ by the medical profession. But is… Read more →

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