Inspirational Mental Health Talks Series #5 Katie Mottram – Suicide

In 2009 Katie Mottram took an overdose. She hated herself and felt like she had ruined her life and she had no choice but to die. Her mother had been through the psychiatric system and had also tried to kill herself. The effect on Katie, as a child, was profound. This is where her depression stemmed from.

Despairing and suicidal, Katie thought to ask a deep, soul searching question. What was she here for? What was the point of it all? She then awakened to her spiritual nature and this changed everything. She found a renewed purpose.

Katie Mottram could very easily have been diagnosed (labelled) with a first episode psychosis. But because she was a mental health professional, working in the NHS, she decided not to tell anyone about her spiritual experiences. She knew what NOT to say.

She found the Spiritual Crisis Network and volunteered on their support email. Eventually she stepped more into the limelight and started fully living that purpose. This talk describes in detail her journey.

If you want to know more about Katie you can read her book Mend The Gap which tells her full story.

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