Inspirational Mental Health Talks Series #1 Laura Delano – Bipolar Disorder

Laura Delano was labelled mentally ill at the unbelievably young age of 14, when a psychiatrist told her she had bipolar disorder. She was put on a cocktail of meds and told she would have to take them for the rest of her life. She lived with this belief for the next 10 years, in and out of psychiatric wards and feeling hopeless, isolated and suicidal.

Today, she is an activist, writer, consultant, and community organiser who believes in the possibility of a world beyond the mental health system.

Laura now focusses on Recovery From Psychiatry and runs the Inner Compass Initiative and its first major project is The Withdrawal Project to support people coming off psychiatric drugs.

This video below is about how she grieved fourteen years lost to psychiatry, and reclaimed her life.

Thank you Laura for your audacity to question the status quo, courage to go against it and commitment to free yourself from psychiatric drugs.

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