Inspirational Mental Health Talks Series #4 Catherine G Lucas – Healing Schizophrenia

When she was 20 years old, Catherine G Lucas ended up in a psychiatric hospital. She had the wisdom to work with a therapist and found that within her experiences lay an opportunity for healing. Gradually, with the help of her therapist, she learned how to take better care of herself.

Catherine went on to found the Spiritual Crisis Network, which offers a spiritual framework from which to view mental health crisis and provides resources for people in crisis.

In this brief extract of a talk, given at the Spiritual Crisis Network Conference in 2015, Catherine introduces Cathy Penney’s story.

This is part one of a series of six excerpts which make up the full talk.

Personal Crisis

Spiritual Crisis Network

Systemic Crisis

Global Crisis

Take Action

Catherine has written several self-help books on recovery and you can listen to an interview with Catherine here in which she goes through the Seven Steps from her book Coping With A Mental Health Crisis, which Cathy Penney wrote the Foreword for.

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